300 Years of digital craftwork.
Many contemporary digital creators have their aesthetic roots in modern art. They don't see themselves as heirs of new media artists, nor involved in the postmoderm culture: the realm of media saturation and universal irony. They conceive new technologies as a craft tool used to model new forms from nature. In the last few years, digital aesthetics tend to organically combine objects from reality with computer generated stimuli. Espadaysantacruz studio follows the long tradition of canonical art: pixels are the raw material from which we try to build aesthetic forms. Our working processes do not differ from those of traditional creators. We think every new piece in its uniqueness: as a singular object even if it is not material. In this talk, we'll give an overview of our work processes and how we see ourselves in relation to contemporary and classical art.
Espadaysantacruz Studio is a creation and management of interactive and visual projects collective based in Madrid since 2008. Their objective is the development of artistic practices associated with new technologies.
In their studio they create, plan and produce collaborative projects and commissioned projects with other creators, technology partners, agencies, production companies and cultural institutions.
In Multimedia Lab, the area of experimentation in Espadaysantacruz Studio, they investigate the application of new technologies for interactive software, multimedia installations, mapping projects, augmented reality and data visualization.
The studio is composed by three professionals on audiovisual industry, new media and photography, cultural management and arts education and technology. We also have a large team of collaborators with whom we share a vision of work and visual experimentation.