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On cherche encore des équipes pour le KIKK Kontest

On cherche encore des équipes pour le KIKK Kontest, concours multidisciplinaire, qui aura lieu pendant 24h sur toute la durée du festival. 

Il y a plus de 6000€ de prix à gagner dont un voyage au Resonate Festival en Serbie, des Suites Adobe, des tablettes Wacom, 500 € en cash, A an d'abonnement gsm Mobile Vikings avec data, et bien plus encore... Inscrivez-vous maintenant!


Encore quelques places pour les workshops de vendredi

Il reste encore quelques places pour les 3 workshops du vendredi 9 novembre: Musical Experimental Board, 3D Wall Printing et Noisy Jelly. Dépechez-vous si vous voulez réserver votre place dans un de ces workshops super créatifs. Ils ont tous lieu au même moment donc vous ne pouvez vous inscrire qu'à un seul. Pour vous inscrire, c'est par ici


Appel a Candidatures pour le Kontest

Les inscriptions au KIKK Kontest sont aussi ouvertes à tout les étudiants ou professionels.

Si vous êtes designer, webdeveloper, mobile developer, photographe, illustrateur, sound designer, artistes numérique, créateur d'installations ou expert de toute autre discipline liée au digital le KIKK Kontest est fait pour vous! 24h pour créer un projet et le présenter devant un jury prestigieux.

Cliquez ici pour vous inscrire dès à présent.

Herrmutt Lobby

Herrmutt Lobby

Developers & Musicians


Title and summary


Hermutt Lobby creators of Beatsurfing will present their iPad application

Beatsurfing is an iPad MIDI controller builder developed in collaboration with Yaniv De Ridder and released by VLEK. This application uses lots of concepts Herrmutt Lobby developed over the years, put together to allow direct interpretation with finger slides along a fully 'drawable' retroactive MIDI controller. It was out june 20 and already raised lots of eyebrows in the music and technology communities, with enthusiastic reviews on TheNextWeb, XLR8R, VICE/Motherboard, FastCo and many others.

About Herrmutt Lobby

Since 2003, Herrmutt Lobby is a collective of electronic musicians, handymen and programmers. Separately, the members have had numerous releases on various labels [DUB, Studio !K7, Vlek, Eat Concrete, Thin Consolation, Catune.. ] since 1997. With Herrmutt Lobby there are no loops, no sequences, no backing tracks, no groove machines. Their primary objective is to develop both hardware and software aimed at performing live. Their devices are intended for direct interpretation, producing movement-driven music in real time. Their live sets have gained them a solid reputation everywhere in Europe. 

Their patches and devices - known to "do more with less" - have been widely acclaimed by the musical community at large. Their "BeatFader" was recommended by the Ableton Sound Design and "Sound & Recording” in Japan. More recently they released an iPad MIDI controller builder called ‘Beatsurfing’, in collaboration with developer Yaniv De Ridder and released by VLEK. This application uses lots of concepts Herrmutt Lobby developed over the years, put together to allow direct interpretation with finger slides along a fully ‘drawable’ retroactive MIDI controller. It was out june and already raised lots of eyebrows in the music and technology communities, with enthusiastic reviews on TheNextWeb, XLR8R, VICE/Motherboard, FastCo and many others.

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